Our Services


Mental Health Professional

A mental health professional is a trained and licensed practitioner dedicated to promoting mental well-being. These professionals, such as psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrists, employ various therapeutic techniques to address emotional, psychological, and behavioral challenges. With specialized knowledge, they offer support, guidance, and evidence-based interventions to help individuals navigate mental health issues.

Family Therapy

Family therapy, also known as family counseling or systemic therapy, is a specialized form of psychotherapy that addresses familial relationships and dynamics. It focuses on enhancing communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering understanding among family members. This therapeutic approach acknowledges that individual behavior and well-being are interconnected with the family system. By exploring patterns and interactions,



Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, exploring the intricacies of thought processes, emotions, and actions. It encompasses various subfields, such as clinical, cognitive, and developmental psychology, shedding light on human experiences and mental health. Psychologists employ diverse methodologies, including experiments and observations, to understand and explain individual and collective behavior.


Counseling provides a supportive space for individuals to explore and navigate life’s challenges. Through empathetic listening and guidance, counselors help clients gain insight, develop coping strategies, and foster personal growth. Whether addressing mental health concerns or navigating life transitions, counseling promotes emotional well-being and resilience.

Life Coaching

Life coaching empowers individuals to unlock their full potential, set meaningful goals, and navigate life’s challenges with clarity. Through personalized guidance and support, life coaches inspire positive change, fostering personal growth and fulfillment.


Psychotherapy, commonly referred to as talk therapy or counseling, is a collaborative process in which individuals work with a trained therapist to explore and resolve a wide range of emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, trauma, or simply seeking personal growth, psychotherapy can provide valuable support.

Is Counselling or Coaching for me?

The role of a Counsellor & Coach is to bring out the best of every human, resolve inner conflicts & emotional turmoil, support them to the fullest to enable them to live a more meaningful & happy life.

Checklist for Counselling / Therapy & Coaching. Give yourself a tick for the issues you are experiencing and see which service fits you most. Or maybe a bit of both.

Checklist A

Abandoned / Loneliness / Being isolated
Anxiety / Panic attack
Sleeping Disturbance
Sex issues
Conflict with people
Being negative
Not being understood
Stuck in relationships / Marriage problem
Difficult in child rearing / Parenting issues
Easily get angry /Anger management
Grief / Lost / Bereavement
Fear of authority
Adjustment issues
Shame / Guilt
Avoidance behavior
Trauma / Flash backs

Checklist B

Being a people-pleaser
Increase work performance
Want to get promotion
Find a suitable career path
Be more positive
Need a nudge to move forward
Need someone walk with you toward your goal
Need to set up future goals
Deal with difficult people
Lack of motivation & satisfaction
Find out strengths
Find out life goals / purpose

If you find more ticks in Checklist A, you may probably need a Counselling Service, while you have more ticks in Checklist B, you may probably need a Coaching Service.  Or call me for a discussion. 

If you like to experience what counselling &  coaching are about, you are welcome to discuss with me further by just simple  call me at 852-6624-6229. The decision is yours.

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